Vocabulary For the 3rd Week of June: The Word-based questions in the English section of the banking exam are undervalued by banking companies compared to other subjects, making it a nightmare for aspirants. Various questions can be answered using the knowledge of vocabulary in the English section of the bank exam. The more you practice, the less likely you are to make mistakes in English.
However, this topic is not to be avoided because it is fundamental. Developing a good vocabulary is useful in the long run for competitive exams and bank exams. In our article, we discuss the vocabulary of bank exams, as well as their antonyms, synonyms, and usage. See the vocabulary for the 3rd week of June.
Vocabulary For the 3rd Week of June
Vocabulary is a nightmare for most banking entrepreneurs but it plays an important role in all competitive exams. Vocabulary mastery is very important to improve your performance in the grammar section as well as your overall score. Therefore, Physicswallah has started a new initiative to strengthen the vocabulary of aspirants through visual vocabulary and their meanings.
Vocabulary for Bank Exams
In this blog, we will cover the most important Vocabulary for Bank exams frequently asked in Bank PO /Bank Clerk and many other competitive exams in the form of various question patterns in the English section. So this course is useful for everyone who can build their vocabulary in a simple but effective way using mnemonics.
- Meaning- A slanderous accusation
- Synonyms- curse, malediction, oath, fulmination, blasphemy
- Antonyms- blessing, benediction, benison, anoint, commendation
- Usage – 1. Every blow was accompanied by terrible imprecations.
- 2. There exist no imprecations she did not pour out against you.
- Meaning- Only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
- Synonyms- incipient, embryonic, rudimentary, amorphous, inceptive
- Antonyms- developed, advanced, abounding, acatalectic, admirable
- Usage – 1. She had a child’s inchoate awareness of language.
- 2. His dreams were senseless and inchoate.
- Meaning- Lacking taste, flavor, or tang
- Synonyms- vapid, tedious, prosaic, jejune, banal
- Antonyms – delicious, poignant, savory, piquant, palatable
- Usage- 1. Airline food used to be bland and insipid.
- 2. The walls were painted an insipid beige.
- Meaning – Uncertain how to act or proceed
- Synonyms – vacillating, uncertain, indecisive, indefinite, unsteady
- Antonyms – vacillating, uncertain, indecisive, indefinite, unsteady
- Usage- 1. He was following me no longer; he stood irresolute.
- 2. After previous outrages we had been irresolute and appeared unwilling to defend ourselves.
- Meaning- A massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way
- Synonyms- steamroller, barrage, cavalcade, monster, blitz
- Antonyms- surrender, subjugate, withstand, succumb, acquiesce
- Usage – People around the world look at the US and see a powerful, war-hungry juggernaut.
- the juggernaut thundered through the countryside.
Vocabulary For The 3rd Week of June FAQs
Ans. Yes, Vocabulary is an important part of almost all bank exams. To achieve accuracy in the speaking part, it is very important to strengthen your speaking power.
Ans. If your preparation strategy is good, you will get full marks in bank exam vocabulary.
Ans. You can improve your vocabulary with mind maps and mnemonics.