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IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips


IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips: The IBPS RRB Exam for Clerk and Probationary Officer posts has been set for 3rd, 4th, 10th, 17th, and 18th August 2024 by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. The IBPS RRB Clerk and PO Prelims Exam is in about 40 days, and we are confident that applicants have been thoroughly and completely prepared. Candidates should also be aware that starting early to study for the IBPS RRB Mains Exam is just as crucial as starting early to prepare for the preliminary exam. The IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips for the PO and Clerk Exam are available here.

IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips

When we question candidates who passed the Banking Exam what factors contributed to their success, most of them point to consistency. Preparation on a regular basis is important for achieving exam success. Depending on their rate of learning, students can modify their daily plan for IBPS RRB Preparation. We have outlined the fundamental steps a candidate has to take in order to prepare for the IBPS RRB here. Go through the IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips.

  • Morning (2–3 Hours) Concentrate on fresh subjects or polish weak areas.
  • Practice questions and sectional assessments in the afternoon (2–3 hours).
  • Review material, evaluate practice exams, and respond to queries about current events (1-2 hours).

IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Study Plan

IBPS RRB Study Plan 2024
Day Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude
Day 1 Blood Relation + Puzzle Quadratic Equations + Simplification
Day 2 Inequality + Series Approximation + Arithmetic
Day 3 Seating Arrangement + Miscellaneous Missing Number Series + DI
Day 4 Direction & Distance + Coding & Decoding Wrong Number Series + DI
Day 5 Puzzle + Miscellaneous Simplification + Arithmetic
Day 6 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 7 Seating Arrangement + Series Arithmetic+ Table DI
Day 8 Miscellaneous + Inequality Mixed DI + Quadratic Equation
Day 9 Coding & Decoding + Puzzle Missing Number Series + Approximation
Day 10 Syllogism + Blood Relation Wrong Number Series + Simplification
Day 11 Seating Arrangement + Miscellaneous Quantity Comparison + Simplification
Day 12 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 13 Puzzle Data sufficiency (DS) Two Statements + Series
Day 14 Blood Relation Quadratic Equation + Simplification
Day 15 Syllogism Simplification + Arithmetic
Day 16 Coding & Decoding Quantity based + Arithmetic
Day 17 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 18 Seating Arrangement DI
Day 19 Series Arithmetic
Day 20 Direction & Distance Simplification
Day 21 Inequality + Series Approximation
Day 22 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 23 Puzzle + Miscellaneous Quadratic Equation
Day 24 Blood Relation + Miscellaneous Series (Wrong + Missing)
Day 25 Seating Arrangement + Series Data Interpretation + Arithmetic
Day 26 Puzzle + Coding & Decoding Data Interpretation + Quadratic Equation
Day 27 Seating Arrangement +Syllogism + Blood Relation Data Interpretation + Series
Day 28 Puzzle + Direction & Distance + Miscellaneous Data Interpretation + Data sufficiency
Day 29 Seating Arrangement + Inequality + Miscellaneous Data Interpretation + Quantity Based
Day 30 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 31 Puzzle + Direction & Distance Speed maths
Day 32 Seating Arrangement + Inequality Arithmetic
Day 33 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 34 Coding & Decoding + Syllogism data sufficiency (DS) Two Statements + approximation
Day 35 Puzzle + Blood Relation + Miscellaneous quantity Comparison + DI
Day 36 Series + Direction & Distance Missing Number Series+ Arithmetic
Day 37 Seating Arrangement + Series Wrong Number Series+DI
Day 38 Inequality + Puzzle Quadratic Equations+quantity based
Day 39 Practice Set Practice Set
Day 40 Coding & Decoding + Seating Arrangement Arithmetic+ Quadratic Equation

Things to remember while following IBPS RRB 2024 Study Plan

  • Practice the answers by writing on paper and don’t try to memorize things as writing is more effective for most people.
  • Do not leave the topics for the next week unfinished, because the curriculum is designed in such a way that it does not cause stress or tension in the students.
  • Taking more quizzes and test series will only benefit you.
  • Always take breaks and try not to study for long periods as this will stiffen your thinking and distract you.
  • Don’t overload yourself with topics, once you have completed the topics, revision is the most appropriate way to do it.

1. IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude / Numerical Aptitude

Many students get confused while preparing the complete approach for the Numerical Aptitude / Quantitative Aptitude section of IBPS RRB PO Exam. We know there are tough questions in the QA section, but if you know how to practice properly and avoid certain things in the exam, you will surely score maximum marks. Quality Control has important topics that will help you maximize your score with less effort and time. You should prioritize these important topics and move on to other topics only after mastering them.

  1. Spend more time on Number Sequences: Number Sequence questions are easy and shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to solve. You need to practice the previous year’s questions and attempt as many attempts as possible.
  2. Do not skip subjects where you are weak: You must be equally good in all subjects in this section. Excluding bad or slow topics is a bad idea. Devote enough time and energy to the subjects that you are also weak as you can never be sure from which sections questions may be asked.
  3. Improve your accuracy by simplifying and approximating: Simplifying and approximating is about how quickly you can accurately solve a problem. To excel in it, you need to practice a lot, check your speed and accuracy daily, and note down all important improvements to ensure you crack the real RRB PO Exam.
  4. Review the Basic Concepts of Exam Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation. questions can be of easy or moderate difficulty. To solve all the questions of the exam quickly, you must revise all the basic concepts related to it.
  5. Don’t Guess: Most candidates are tempted to mark the answers to each question in the RRB PO exam even if they are not sure about the correct answer. So avoid guessing the answers.
  6. Skipping difficult questions: Miscellaneous/arithmetic questions and quadratic questions can also be a bit difficult at times. Therefore, it is recommended to try to find easy questions skip the difficult ones, and come back to them later with a change of mind.
  7. Try to answer at least 30-35 questions: Try to answer at least 32-35 questions correctly. To achieve this goal, try to take mock tests regularly and attempt at least 35 questions in it.

2. IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Reasoning 

It consists of various topics that are easy to cover in difficulty. Learn easy topics and solve them on paper instead of processing them in your mind. Here are the dos and don’ts of this section:

  1. Read the questions carefully: Questions about inequalities and alphanumeric sequences are easy, but can sometimes seem confusing. You must read the questions carefully to solve them accurately.
  2. Don’t buy a bad book cover to Reasoning: Avoid studying from any study material or book that creates confusion in your mind. Buy Analytical Reasoning from PW Store. This may prove to be a treasure trove of reasoning for you.
  3. Don’t just memorize concepts: practice questions on circular and linear seating arrangements, puzzles, coding-decoding, blood relation, distance and direction, layout and queues. About 5-6 direct questions are usually asked about a syllogism. Understand all the concepts required to solve the questions and practice them properly to ingrain the concepts in your mind.

IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips FAQs

Q1.Where can I get the IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips?

Ans. You can get the IBPS RRB 2024 Last 40 Days Preparation Tips at our PW blog.

Q2. How can I start preparing for IBPS RRB?

Ans. You can start your preparation for IBPS RRB systematically by following a study plan.

Q2. Is IBPS RRB easy to crack?

Ans. It has been found that candidates find it difficult to crack the IBPS RRB examination. There are around four posts in the IBPS RRB exam: IBPS Officer Scale-I (IBPS RRB PO) IBPS Officer Scale-II.

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