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Vocabulary For the 4th Week of June


Vocabulary For the 4th Week of June: Vocabulary plays a vital role in Bank exams as it not only helps in the English section but also in other sections like reading comprehension, sentence completion, single word substitution, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. A strong vocabulary can significantly improve your chances of doing well on these exams. In this blog, we have compiled a list of Vocabulary for the 4th Week of June asked in the English section of Banking exams to help you improve your vocabulary and succeed in your exam preparation.

Vocabulary For the 4th Week of June

Vocabulary is a nightmare for most banking aspirants, but it plays an important role in all other competitive exams. Vocabulary management is very important to improve both grammar and general performance. Therefore, Physicswallah has started a new initiative to strengthen the vocabulary of aspirants through sight vocabulary and their meaning.

Vocabulary for Bank Exams

In this article, we will cover the most important Vocabulary for Bank exams frequently asked in Bank PO /Bank Clerk and many other competitive exams in the form of various question patterns in the English section. So this course is useful for everyone who can build their vocabulary in a simple but effective way using mnemonics.


  • Meaning- The act of taking something from someone unlawfully
  • Synonyms – burglary, Crime, stealing, touch, stealing, pilfering
  • Antonyms- return, pay, reimbursement, compensation
  • Sentence- He was arrested and charged with larceny.
  • Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges


  • Meaning- Broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
  • Synonyms- foolish, comical, outlandish, silly, laughable, crazy, funnys
  • Antonyms- grave, tragic, sensible, logical, reasonable
  • Sentence- it’s ludicrous to expect us to work in these conditions
  • When you take a look at it, space travel is an inherently ludicrous idea.


  • Meaning- Showing sorrow;
  • Synonyms – sad, teary, weeping, weepy, melancholy, blue, dejected, gloomy
  • Antonyms- beaming, chuckling, giggling, grinning, laughing, smilings
  • Sentence- She was pink-eyed and lachrymose.
  • A lachrymose children’s classic


  • Meaning- laconic
  • Synonyms- terse, pithy, brief, compact, crisp, curt, succinct
  • Antonyms- circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix
  • Sentence-
  • The problem is likely to be, at least in part, Hilberg’s laconic style.
  • his laconic reply bordered on rude.


  • Meaning- A large number of people or things
  • Synonym- A great/large quantity, a great/large number
  • Antonym – Little, minority, handful
  • Sentence-  There are a multitude of reasons why it won’t work.
  • you’ll have seen the multitude of benefits this brings

Tips to Remember Vocabulary

  1. Read, repeat, and improve: Reading is one of the most effective ways to improve your English vocabulary. Spend at least 30 minutes a day reading articles from reliable sources such as newspapers, magazines, and online publications. As you read, notice new words and their meanings and try to understand the context in which they are used. Review and review your notes regularly to reinforce your learning.
  2. Flashcards and vocabulary building program: Flashcards and flashcards can be useful tools for memorizing vocabulary. Write the word on one side of the card and its meaning on the other side. Look at the cards regularly and test yourself to see how many words you remember. Additionally, you can use vocabulary-building software such as Membean and Magoosh, which provide interactive and engaging ways to learn and memorize vocabulary.
  3. Keep a personal vocabulary: Keep a personal vocabulary where you can note down new words and their meanings and uses. This will not only help you track your progress, but it will also be a handy reference if you need to review or remember words later. Check your vocabulary regularly to reinforce your learning.
  4. Find, Use, and Make Your Own Sentences: Try to find new words as you come across them by reading newspapers, books, articles, or reference materials. Use these words to make your own sentences and try using them in conversations with peers, colleagues, and family members. It helps you understand words in context and improve your language skills.
  5. Solve word puzzles and play word games: Learning can be more fun when it’s fun. There are many online puzzles and games that help you learn and remember vocabulary words in a playful and engaging way. Make learning a fun activity, not a burden, to make it more effective and enjoyable.

Vocabulary For The 4th Week of June FAQs

Q1. How to get full marks in bank exam vocabulary?

Ans. If your preparation strategy is good, you will get full marks in bank exam vocabulary.

Q2. Is Vocabulary Important part of Banking Exams?

Ans. Yes, Vocabulary is an important part of almost all bank exams. To achieve accuracy in the speaking part, it is very important to strengthen your speaking power.

Q3. How can I quickly revise my vocabulary?

Ans. You can improve your vocabulary with mind maps and mnemonics.

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